Hidden Object games - free online hidden object games
Here you can play 246 free online Hidden Object games.
In the Hidden object games category you will find free online Hidden Object games, including finding objects hidden in old houses, hotels, castles and many other interesting places. Try your skills for concentration and focus. The online games in the Online hidden Object games category are arranged by the order in which they were added and on the top are the latest games. Browse the pages back if you don’t find your favourite game on the current page

The Story of Marrakech is another hidden game by HIDDEN4FUN. In this game we will visit the wonderful streets of Morocco, including all thos

Hidden Watch is unlimited online object game by android_developers. Travel through Europe, examine the most ancient and the most beautiful c

A Family Reunion is new hidden object game by HIDDEN4FUN. Every year the Rogers family organizes this family reunion and for the last years

Cassandra's Journey: The Legacy of Nostradamus is a online no download hidden game by bigfishgames. My name is Violet Smith. My brother

Vintage Dream is fuuny online hidden game by HIDDEN4FUN. The feeling of this meeting is amazing; it simply can't be expressed by words

The objects will be displayed in a panel on the left. Your work is so simple, you need to find all the objects from the rooms within the tim

Hidden Journalist is free online hidden game by android_developers. The journalist who investigated the secret government experiment has dis

Night Heist is online hidden object game by HIDDEN4FUN. Now you are allowed and called as well, to take part in this police action. You coul

Secret House Hidden Objects is new adventure game by 123Peppy. I used to live in this house. But I'd rather leaving this secret house.

My Favorite Game is new hide and seek game by HIDDEN4FUN. It seems that this time Tom has found some place that is really hard to guess beca

Doorway to Darkness is scary finding game by HIDDEN4FUN. Victor got invitation for the meeting with information where it will be held. He di

Princess Room Hidden Objects is new seek and find by G2R. Have you ever seen to princess room before? -No? Would you like to see a beautiful

Infection new online hidden game by HIDDEN4FUN. It seem like they all fell asleep at first but no one breath, it was sure that they are all

Strawberry Shortcake is funny finding numbers game by G2R. Have you ever been to Amongst the objects being lined up in a complicated way in

Help Me is mystery find it game by HIDDEN4FUN. An finally, before you start playing the game, check out the instructions so you could know w

Janes Guest House is another adventure game by HIDDEN4FUN. There is no need to be concerned about the instructions for playing because they

Lemon Chicken is nodownload hidden game by HIDDEN4FUN. This game will be played with the mouse, like most of the hidden object games, or you

Lavander Summer is online hidden object game by HIDDEN4FUN. The following game takes us exactly on that place. You will be able to see those

Messy Girl Room is funny hidden object game by Games2Dress. This is new game, we'll search objects in the messy room. The room is quite

The Streets of Tokyo is new online hidden objects game by hidden4fun. The translation of Tokyo is actually 'Eastern Capital'. it